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Sandra Davis' Week: Marriage, the State and "broken Britain"

Date:10 DEC 2010

Sandra DavisThe problem with the latest report from the Centre for Social Justice published last Monday (Family breakdown in the UK: it's NOT about divorce) is not what it says but how it suggests the social ills it identifies can be remedied.

According to the authors of the report the number of children who will face family breakdown has increased from 40 per cent to 48 per cent over the last decade. While more than half of children are born to married parents divorce accounts for just one in five family break-ups for children under the age of five and the authors claim only 14 per cent of the consequential cost to the tax payer.

The impact on children of the breakdown of cohabiting relationships is it appears far more significant in terms of numbers and has a greater societal cost.

Previous studies regarding the social impact of parental separation have found that children from broken homes...

Read the full article here.