There's a firm of solicitors in Birmingham offering a not-to-be missed opportunity this week. I could not help but notice that advertising can have its uses - in this case to demonstrate that advertising per se really is not for everything or everyone. According to this advert placed prominently on the pavement on a board if you are ‘not happy' with your partner then all you have to do is call in to see the people in the office and they will talk you through your options.
Options - what can they mean? Murder? Getting the boys round to duff them up a bit? Talk it through with your partner? How bad can that be? Oh yes what they (probably) mean is seeing if you can get a divorce and the solicitor help you sort who gets the children and what the finances produce (cynic) - why didn't they just say that in the first place not enough room in the advert? The local council seem to feel that this approach (it's a one of those pavement adverts stood outside the office in a shopping thoroughfare) is not what...
Read the full article here.