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Penny Booth on the effect of Radmacher on the average person

Date:20 OCT 2010


Penny Booth

This morning the Radmacher case decision was announced. It is essentially a decision about whether prenuptial agreements mean anything under English Law and whether they can be enforced. They do and they can basically.

Much will be written on this decision and would have been whichever way it would have gone - you can be sure of that. There is plenty of scope from the cases over the last decades which have been building to the Radmacher v Granatino situation and the judgment announced.

Whilst important because it will help to clarify individualism in personal partnership regulation of previous cases and the indications on sharing and pre-partnership arrangements (as well as a great encouragement for the Law Commission) I cannot help feeling (and do not think I am alone) that the decision will make little immediate or real difference to the ordinary person in the street. The latter are those people who make up a far larger proportion of the marriages and civil...

Read the full article here.