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Penny Booth: Sexualising Children

Date:7 DEC 2010

Penny BoothI am only going to talk about one thing this week.


As well as getting your attention I intend highlighting something which has certainly been mentioned in this column before - the unnecessary and dangerous hastening of the end of childhood and the sexualising of children.

Sex is wonderful and necessary and combined with love and respectful care and concern for the individual and its effect upon our society it makes the world go round in ways in which mere money cannot possibly compete. The combination of sex and money may though for some pitied individuals be essential for life. I can imagine that selling sex may be better than some other activities that raise money. Suggestions not required but thank you.

Where sex and money are directed at children it is completely unacceptable in a society that supposes and even proclaims that it cares about the vulnerable members at all. I was...

Read the full article here.