One could be forgiven for thinking the world's gone mad sometimes (just sometimes?) but reading the news and noting the preoccupations that people have where family law is concerned do occasionally jolt one's perceptions. There were two items in last week's papers that caught the eye.
One jolt to the cosy view of family law was the mention in the media of the PM's adviser on adoption and his comments on the intention to reduce barriers to adoption as ‘promised' by HM Government (I always put politicians' promises in inverted commas). Now that sounds like action we could all support. The one problem overshadowing this is that of political correctness and the influence of legal awareness. I am sad to say that we are all afraid of placing children in adoptive homes and then finding that it is a mistake - either the parents are not right or the child turns out to be ‘damaged' (yes that is how those situations have been described) and the adoption is abortive. Thankfully...
Read the full article here.