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Lucia Clark on Scottish Family Law: To English family lawyers - please be less polite!

Date:23 NOV 2012

Lucia ClarkThis is a heartfelt plea to English matrimonial solicitors - please please be less polite. Take a hint from Scots family lawyers - be rude!

Or more accurately (but in less of a soundbite) - please carefully consider when you should apply the Pre-Application Protocol and follow the usual good practice before issuing divorce proceedings and when (for very good reason) you should proceed in a different way.

The Pre-Application Protocol has the aim of promoting negotiated and mediated settlements - which are without doubt laudable aims. To encourage this parties are directed to attend a meeting providing information about mediation before issuing an application for financial orders on divorce. Whether that is a good means of achieving those laudable aims is quite another matter but that's a discussion for another day. For now what I want to note is that there are exceptions to this rule one of which is that the application is to be made without notice to the other spouse.

Resolution (the association of English...

Read the full article here.