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Young Lawyers - Kate Gomery: Is it OK to use the rich and famous as family law case studies?

Date:22 SEP 2011

Kate GomeryIn the age of social media many individual solicitors law firms and barristers regularly use Twitter blogs and forums etc to exchange information and to raise their professional profile. At its best social media has been and continues to be an amazing tool by which to exchange views and ideas  and to raise the profile of campaigns for example the current Legal Aid proposals. It is wonderful that judgments and the thoughts and views of leading members of the profession are so immediately and readily accessible and open to debate by all.

However as with anything that takes off in the way blogging and Twitter has in recent years you are always bound to end up getting a whole lot of bad along with the good and increasingly I am noticing that there is an enormous amount of dross being circulated (often by people or organisations that should know better) under the banner...

Read the full article here.