Coleridge J has been in the news recently for his Marriage Foundation which has had a mixed reception and perhaps coincidentally there have been two of his judgments landing on my desk in the last few days. They generally make a good read.
My personal favourite Z v A [2012] EWHC 467 concerned whether a wife should be permitted to proceed with her application under Part III Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984. Coleridge J noted that the case engaged almost every principle recently considered by the House of Lords and the Supreme Court from White through Miller/McFarlane Agbaje and Radmacher to Jones v Kernott each of which (with the exception of Jones) had he said "blown apart years of previously accepted restraint on post divorce financial claims" and as a result "Pandora is on the rampage as almost never before." There's a comforting thought.
Coleridge J notes that cases...
Read the full article here.