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David Hodson on International Family Law: Lessons from Singapore

Date:7 SEP 2012

International Family Law Practice by David Hodson

David Hodson

Although for years even decades it has been countries such as Australia which have led the way in developments in family law and practice that role is now also being increasingly adopted by new developing jurisdictions. In the so-called westernised world we have a lot to learn and borrow from such countries. I've had the benefit many times of working closely with Singapore lawyers and wrote a year ago on the progress in respect of child abduction. This week over 200 members of the IAML the world's leading organisation of family lawyers undertaking international work has had its annual conference in Singapore. Presentations from Singapore lawyers and judges have struck me again about their many beneficial developments. Of course in many jurisdictions it is a matter of available which often means limited...

Read the full article here.