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Millionaire puts details of his divorce on the internet to end gossip

Date:18 JUL 2008

A millionaire publishing entrepreneur has posted the details of his divorce settlement on the internet in an effort to silence malicious rumours that he's 'tight'.

Gary Dean set up a website, 'The Truth About Helen Louise Dean v Gary Dean', revealing the details of his wife's £3.7 million settlement in reaction to local gossips spreading rumours that he fleeced his ex-wife and children to pursue a luxury lifestyle.

The couple, who have four children, divorced after 19 years of marriage.

On the site, Mr Dean states: "I have created this stand-alone website for one reason and one reason alone so that the truth about my divorce settlement is available to anyone who wants to know about it.

"I have been subject to gossip about my divorce, some of it just silly tittle-tattle, and some of it malicious.

"I have been painted in some quarters as a greedy, tight, ruthless b****** who abandoned my wife and children, walking off with millions and leaving my family almost destitute. It's simply not true at all and I've decided that instead of allowing the rumour-mill to continue churning out nonsense - I'd just set out the actual facts to stop it."

Mr Dean reveals that he paid his ex-wife a lump sum of £3,719,000 plus £15,000 per child per year until the age of 17 years or the end of full time education. He will also pay private school fees and Mrs Dean keeps her jewellery, two cars and two 'cherished' private number plates.

However he claims that he had offered his ex-wife more than the cash sum almost two years before the couple settled, but she declined the offer.

Mr Dean asserts that he is not bitter at all: "If this website looks like the bleating of a wounded ex-hubby - then sorry - but it's certainly not meant to be".

Click here to visit Gary Dean's website.
