Wardship and the right to publish
Sep 29, 2018, 22:05 PM
family law, wardship, transparency, right to report, protective jurisdiction
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Wardship and the right to publish
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family law, wardship, transparency, right to report, protective jurisdiction
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Sep 12, 2014, 04:55 AM
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Publicity and a ward
of court
The right to publish details of family proceedings and the
operation of the wardship jurisdiction have cropped up recently in the case of
A, the 5 year old taken by his parents from a hospital in Southsea against
medical advice. He was made a ward. Subsequent High Court proceedings were well
publicised – with permission the President of the Family Division (later
confirmed by Baker J). A is no longer a ward.
These orders prompt two questions at law: what are the local
authority’s powers to seek wardship; and what are the High Court’s powers to
permit publicity. (None of this can proceed in the Family Court: wardship is a
High Court matter only (Senior Courts Act 1981, s 41(1)).
Wardship, the common
law and application to the High Court
The High Court can exercise an inherent and protective
jurisdiction over children. If it does so, the usual result will be that a
child generally becomes a ward of court and the court then stands in the
position of a child’s parents. By contrast if any family court is to take a
child into the care of a local authority it can only be by care proceedings
(Children Act 1989 Part 4) save in a very narrow range of cases
sanctioned by CA 1989, s 100.
The court’s inherent jurisdiction cannot be used to place a child in the
care of a local authority (s 100(2)), unless the court gives the local
authority permission (s 100(3)). The court may not give permission, till
it finds: (1) that, but for an order, the child is likely to suffer significant
harm (s 100(4)(b)); and (2) that there is no other order the local
authority can apply for (s 100(4)(a) and (5)).
In Re A (Jurisdiction: Return of
Child) [2013] UKSC
60, [2014] 1 FLR 111 Lady Hale explained wardship in relation to a child born
in Pakistan, the brother of children with dual British and Pakistani
nationality. The question was whether he could be made a ward of the English
court. The Supreme Court said that in principle he could. Lady Hale explained
the inherent jurisdiction by reference to ‘common law rules’ and that, in the
case of a child who is a British national, the ‘Crown had a protective or parens patriae
jurisdiction over the child wherever he was’. She cites Lord Cranworth LC in Hope v
Hope (1854) 4 DeGM &G 328, at
344–345, and Lord Denning MR in Re P (GE) (An Infant) [1965]
Ch 568, in support of this.The
fact that a child is a British national enables the court’s jurisdiction to be
called upon to protect a child.
The position described by Lady Hale remains the common law
position; unless Parliament says otherwise and by statute specifically
restricts High Court jurisdiction (R v Secretary of State for the Home Department,
exp Simms [1999] UKHL 33).
Parliament has imposed restrictions in the case of CA s 100 to prevent
application by a local authority to invoke the inherent jurisdiction to protect
children (save as in s 100(4)).
Publicity and
Once the child is a ward what then are the rights of anyone
to publish information about him/her? Rights of all concerned (eg A (whose
welfare is paramount), the press, the parents and other members of A’s family)
must all be balanced before a decision is made by the court: (1) to ‘open’ the
proceedings (Re S below); and
(2) to permit the overriding of the criminal consequences of CA 1989, s 97(6).
In A’s case, the direction for publicity has not been published (other than a
reference in the later order of Baker J of 2 September 2014), so
it is not known how the Court defined the welfare of A in its decision (s 97(4)).
To permit anyone to attend court is one thing. What is
published afterwards concerning the case – eg in the press or other media – is
a separate question, which cannot be answered by the judge. Sir James has been
at pains (see eg as Munby J in Spencer v Spencer [2009] EWHC 1529 (Fam), [2009] 2
FLR 1416; and see Roberts J in Cooper-Hohn
v Hohn [2014] EWHC 2314 (Fam), [2014] 2 FLR (forthcoming)) to stress
that it is not for judge’s to advise journalists.
What can be
In A’s case the court was ‘open’, but does that permit carte blanche publication? Almost
exactly a year ago Sir James (in Re J (Reporting Restriction: Internet: Video) [2013] EWHC 2694 (Fam), [2014] 1
FLR 253) defended the right of individuals aggrieved by privacy in the
family court to post their grievances on the internet, even when expressed by
them in ‘vigorous, trenchant or outspoken terms’. He set out the legislative
restrictions on publicity. CA 1989,
s 97 he said, prohibits publication, but only till the conclusion of
proceedings (Clayton v Clayton [2006]
EWCA Civ 878, [2006] 1 FLR 11)). It prevents publication which will identify
the child or certain details about him (s 97(2)). It can only be
overridden by specific order of the court that information can be published
which identifies the child, and if the court has found ‘that the welfare of the
child [concerned] requires’ publicity (s 97(4), and in line with the
court’s European Convention 1950 balance duties under Re S (below)). Section 97(6) creates a criminal offence
if s 97 is breached.
He went
on to Administration of Justice Act 1960, s 12 is more long-lasting
and pervasive:
The publication of information relating to proceedings before any court sitting
in private shall not of itself be contempt of court except in the following
cases, that is to say –
the proceedings –
(i) relate to the exercise of the inherent jurisdiction
of the High Court with respect to minors;
(ii) are brought under the Children Act 1989 or the
Adoption and Children Act 2002; or
(iii) otherwise
relate wholly or mainly to the maintenance or upbringing of a minor.
section relates to ‘proceedings in private’, including family proceedings, but
narrows those proceedings to those in relation to children, wardship etc. It is
still the case that it may be contempt to publish information from such
proceedings: this is the effect of the series of negatives by which the section
is drafted. The person who wishes to publish must make up his or her own mind
whether contempt proceedings are risked (see eg
Spencer (above)).
Relaxing the restraints on
Re J Sir James
explains (at para [22]) that the court may
‘relax’ the statutory restraints. The court must conduct a balancing exercise
within European Convention 1950 terms, as explained by Lord Steyn in the House
of Lords in
Re S (Identification:
Restrictions on Publication)
[2004] UKHL 47, [2005] 1 FLR 591 (at para [17]).
It is ‘necessary
to measure the nature of the impact … on the child’ of what is in prospect,
said Lord Steyn.
So, said Sir James, the interests of the child must be a primary
consideration (
ZH ( [2011] UKSC 4, [2011] 1 FLR 2170, at para [33]).
The balance must be drawn between respect for the child’s private life (Art 8)
and the right of the press and a parent or others who might want (as in
Re J) to publicise information (Art 10).In conducting that
balancing exercise, the primacy of the best interests of the child must be
considered. This was further explained in the Supreme Court in
H(H) v Deputy Prosecutor of the Italian
Republic, Genoa (Official Solicitor intervening)
[2012] UKSC 25 where Lord
Kerr said:
'[144] … It is unquestioned that in each of these
cases, the children's article 8 rights are engaged. As a matter of logical
progression, therefore, one must first recognise the interference and then
consider whether the interference is justified. This calls for a sequencing of,
first, consideration of the importance to be attached to the children's rights
(by obtaining a clear-sighted understanding of their nature), then an
assessment of the degree of interference and finally addressing the question
whether extradition justifies the interference …
… no factor must be given greater weight than the interests of the child.'
Court promoting
The court was not entitled, in this jurisdiction, said Sir
James in
Re J, to seek to
prevent dissemination. But what is the
court’s role in making open the court, perhaps to encourage ‘dissemination’ of
information? There must be primacy of A’s interest in dissemination, and of
justification for interference with his right to respect for his family life
(Art 8)? The exercise proposed by Lord Steyn in
Re S and explained later by Lord Kerr must be conducted in each
case by the judge who proposes to open the court or who hears an application to
permit publicity (and see CA 1989, s 97(4)).
Questions remain in A’s case. Permission was
needed for the local authority to proceed under CA 1989 s 100. An order
backed by a judgment (to explain how the welfare of the child is ‘satisfied’: s
97(4)). It is not clear that AJA 1960, s 12 can be overridden at all:
that must be for each individual who wishes to publish to decide how to
The views expressed by contributing authors are not necessarily those of Family Law or Jordan Publishing and should not be considered as legal advice.
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