Mediation week is a Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) and Her Majesty's Courts Service (HMCS) sponsored campaign to raise the awareness of the availability and benefits of mediation as an alternative to court to be held from 9 - 13 October 2006.
One of the aims of the week is to advance the DCA's key target of promoting alternative dispute resolution through its Proportionate Dispute Resolution (PDR) strategy
During the week, a range of events will be held across England and Wales to raise awareness of mediation, particularly in selected courts in the 42 HMCS areas. The Law Society plans to deliver seminars around England and Wales to members of the legal community, by invitation. These will involve presentations about mediation, together with role-plays of real-life scenarios in both family and civil cases. To find out more about PDR, email the Proportionate Dispute Resolution Branch at The Family Mediation Helpline is at (tel: 0845 60 26 627). For the full article see [2006] September Fam Law.
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