Can you help to deliver better Justice for Families?
Sep 29, 2018, 19:53 PM
vacancy, family law, children's services, Children’s Services Assistant Director, Head of Service, fjc, family justice council, job
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Can you help to deliver better Justice for Families?
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May 16, 2017, 02:44 AM
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Applications are invited from Children’s Services Assistant Director/Head of Service
The Family Justice Council is an interdisciplinary advisory body whose members are drawn from a cross-section of those who work, use or have an interest in the family justice system. They include judges, lawyers, doctors, social workers, academics and civil servants. The Council monitors the effectiveness of the Family Justice System, advising on reforms necessary for improvement and promoting an interdisciplinary approach to family justice in England and Wales. The Council is chaired by the President of the Family Division.
A vacancy has arisen on the Family Justice Council for a Children’s Services Assistant Director/Head of Service. You will have substantial experience in the field of local authority children’s services, with particular emphasis on child protection work. You will be able to produce evidence of working, through interdisciplinary consensus, to deliver timely and improved outcomes for families and children who are involved with the family justice system. You will have experience as a successful team player with contribution at a strategic level and be able to prepare for and attend meetings of the Family Justice Council.
The Council meets in London four times a year and much of its work is conducted through its working groups. The post is for 3 years and is offered without remuneration. Reasonable travelling and other expenses are payable.Further information on the Council and its current work can be found on our website: must be submitted by noon on Thursday 15 June 2017. Interviews will take place in London in on Tuesday 11 July.For full details and an information pack please fjc-candidate-information-pack-adcs.pdf.The Family Justice Council is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all applicants. Although appointments to the Council no longer fall within the remit of the Commissioner for Public Appointments, it will continue to refer to the relevant guidance. Appointments will be based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. Applications are invited from all suitably qualified persons, irrespective of age, disability, gender, marital status, race or sexual orientation.
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