The President of the Family Division has a issued a revised Public Law Outline(PLO) and pilot practice direction, as well as a number of supporting guidance documents.
There are three President's Guidance documents: one on Allocation and Gatekeeping (with a Schedule); one on Continuity and Deployment (with an Annex); and the other on Use of Prescribed Documents.
There are three prescribed documents: one the Allocation Proposal Form; one the form of order for Directions on Issue (SDO); and the other the form of Case Management Order (CMO).
The President also circulated a new Form C100A.
The President has stressed the importance of using the two forms of prescribed Order. The use and correct completion in every PLO case of the Case Management Order is essential, not least because its correct completion is a necessary pre-requisite to the accurate logging of data on CMS.
President's Guidance:
PLO Schedule to the Allocation and Gatekeeping Guidance
President's Guidance on Continuity and Deployment
President's Guidance on the use of Prescribed Documents
Guidance to Staff on the Introduction of a System for the Docketing of Cases
Prescribed documents:
Public Law Outline Allocation Proposal
The Children Act 1989. Annex to PD 36C (SDO)
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