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An extra £5.4 million in funding will help even more families to resolve disputes away from court, such as contact arrangements for children. Under the scheme, £500 mediation vouchers are...
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem' الرَّحِيْمِ الرَّحْمٰنِ اللهِ بِسْمِTahir Khan, barrister, provides some useful legal and practical guidance on dowry and its validity and recognition under English Law,...
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Much as I would like to believe that the recent change bringing in no fault divorce would be a factor in parties considering a divorce in England & Wales, many of the big money cases involving...
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The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has very recently launched new online guidance for people considering international surrogacy.The guidance provides practical information...
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Jonathan Galbraith, Mathieson ConsultingBeverley Morris, Partner, Lodders LLPThe treatment of pensions on divorce continues to cause debate amongst practitioners. The introduction of the Galbraith...
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 A recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has addressed the definition of habitual residence for the purposes of divorce jurisdiction under Art 3 of BIIA. It has...
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Oliver Cyriax, Solicitor (Retired), NATCOn 7 May 2021 the Ministry of Justice announced a change of direction for the Section 8 private law programme. Ministers indicated that the preparation of...
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Beth Armitage, St Philips Chambers'You’re just crazy' 'I never said that. You have a terrible memory'These are just two examples of gaslighting phrases commonly used in cases where a party is making...
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Damian Woodward-Carlton QC, Barrister, 42 Bedford Row Rachael Claridge, 1 Crown Office RowRe M (A Child – Private Law Children Proceedings – Case Management – Intimate Images) (2022) EWHC 986...
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Giorgia Sessi, Parklane Plowden ChambersHannah Whitehouse, Parklane Plowden ChambersThis article looks at the changes and evolution in the financial remedy court in the wake of the pandemic, and the...
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