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Police chiefs have issued the first ever national threat assessment of crimes posing the most danger to women and girls.A summary document outlines the greatest threats to women and...
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Counsel, the monthly magazine for members of the Bar in England and Wales, has published an interview with Professor Jo Delahunty KC about the need to destigmatise neurodivergence and her emerging...
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Luke McLean, Barrister, Garden Court ChambersLuke McLean, Barrister at Garden Court Chambers provides a review of Section 65 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 which prohibits cross-examination of alleged...
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Mark Blundell, 1GC | Family LawAnn Chavasse, St Ives Chambers, Trustee of Family Rights Group Trauma in the Family Justice System, was the issue for this years Family Justice Council Conference,...
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The Family Law Awards 2022 is still open for entries! The deadline is fast approaching, though, so don't miss out!You can enter here.The awards will be held on Wednesday 28 November 2022, and are...
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The Family Law Awards 2023 has extended the deadline for entries until 23 June. You can enter here.The Family Law Awards brings the family law community together for its biggest night of the...
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Judgment in this long-running international financial remedy case was handed down on 4 April 2023 by Sir Jonathan Cohen (“Cohen J”). The case began when the former husband (“H”) issued a petition for...
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The Family Law Awards 2023 is now open for entries!You can enter here.The awards will be held on Monday 27 November 2023, and are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate your successes as family law...
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Mary Welstead, Visiting Professor in Family Law University of Buckingham Heidi Crowter and Aidan Lea-Wilson, who were born with Down’s Syndrome, made a claim for judicial review of s1(1)(d)...
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Mark Blundell, 1GC | Family LawAnn Chavasse, St Ives ChambersThis article represents a brief summary of the morning lectures at the Family Justice Council Conference 2023: Trauma in the Family Justice...
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