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Mani Singh Basi, Barrister, 4PBForum Shah, Senior Associate Solicitor, Dawson Cornwell SolicitorsThis article explores the issue of committal in family law proceeding. In particular, this article...
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Natalie Wilkins, Barrister, Garden Court North ChambersImmigration and international issues in family law proceedings create additional strain on the limited time and resources family law...
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The Minister for Safeguarding has released a letter responding to the Domestic Abuse Commissioner on the issue of violence against women and girls. This is in reply to a 6th June letter from the...
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In July 2022, the President of the Family Division launched the national deprivation of liberty court. Based at the Royal Courts of Justice, it deals with all new applications seeking authorisation to...
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The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is keen to hear about people’s experiences with firms offering these services, over concerns that not all are complying with consumer protection law.When it...
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A large-scale evaluation of the impact of Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDAC) as an alternative to standard care proceedings (the new legal framework introduced by the Children and Families Act in...
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Chloe Branton, Parklane Plowden Chambers, LeedsIn this article Chloe Branton considers the current position regarding parental responsibility for married and unmarried fathers and outlines some recent...
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Dame Rachel de Souza, the Children’s Commissioner has issued a Statement on the progress of the Illegal Migration Bill. She says: "The Illegal Migration Bill has now completed Report stage in the...
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Eleri Jones,Barrister, 1GC|Family LawAndrew Venables, Barrister, 1GC|Family Law Two years have now passed since ‘Brexit’ and since 1 January 2021, a new domestic regime has applied to...
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In March the Government revealed plans to make mediation a pre-court requirement in low level family dispute cases. A move that will no doubt help thousands to reduce the emotional and financial cost...
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